July 12, 2011 Bulletin


The Wheel, July 12, 2011


Last Week's Program: 


President Todd Wishman presided over the annual meeting and installation of officers.  Past President and former District Governor Bill Reese conducted the installation proceedings.  The new officers of the club are shown on the club website.

President Todd reviewed the accomplishments of his year at the helm and highlighted three major new projects the club took on, the backpack of food project, the bicycle project and the orange juice stand.  All have been very successful and well received, supporting Todd’s quote that with shared commitment much is possible.


Todd also thanked many club members for service to specific committees and the club during the year. 


New President Jamie talked about his great experience at the Rotary International Convention in New Orleans and the theme for this year “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity”.   Jamie also mentioned a credo he had heard about and shared his thought that we might use it this year


 “is it fun?

“will I get hurt?”

“will anyone find out?”


New Members in 2010-2011


Don Hartley                  October 2010

Sean Honts                   June 2011

Jeff Jones                     October 2010

Tom Nelson                 April 2011

Phyllis Staplin               January 2011



Consecutive Years of Perfect Attendance


One Year

Bob Coleman

Larry Everett

Adam Nelson


Two Years

Janet Nelson

Russ Ver Ploeg


Three Years  

Doug Hillman                                                                                                               

Harold Hulleman                                                                                              

Linda Leave                

Chris Nelson


Six Years

Todd Wishman                                    


Ten Years                                                      

Linda Hulleman


Sixteen Years                                    

Al Cross                                                          


Nineteen Years

Bob Start


Thirty Years

Greg Kenyon   


Board Meetings: In his first major action as President, the new Main Man Jamie announced that during his tenure the monthly  board meetings would be scheduled to take place after rather than before the Tuesday meeting. 


Orange Juice Report:  On a beautiful July 2nd Saturday the club “sold out” of all product by 11:30 AM.   Great job everyone.   Jamie and Ed Minnick both reminded club members that we need to staff the orange juice tent for the rest of the downtown farmers market season.  For those who have served, THANK YOU.  For those who have not, it is a great time of fun and fellowship, so please sign up.  It’s easy.


To do so, go to cozi.com and sign in as jtbunndvm@hotmail.com,  password is “rotary”.   From there, just find the calendar and go the Saturday schedule and sign up.


Booster Pack  Mike Fosse mentioned that the next round of booster pack pick up is coming soon.  Volunteers are needed.  Contact Mike for details.


Root beer floats. Janet Nelson announced that the annul root beer float fund raiser for Special Olympics. will take place in  August.  Volunteers are needed to prepare and hand out root beer floats.   More details to follow.