Rotary Wheel, Oct 12, 2010 Our guests included a school administrator who is a Rotarian in Germany, introduced by Roger Petersen & a guest from Arizona, introduced by Chris Nelson. While weather is still nice, Al Cross is wisely recruiting bell ringers for Sat Dec 4! Chris Nelson announced that Wildwood Ranch will be clearing debris from paths on Nov 6, so you may see him if you'd like to help out. On Nov 30, our meeting will be at Broadlawns Medical Center & we may car pool or go by bus, due to parking limitations there. Bob, how much was your concert on Sun? President Todd Wishman invited Cory Garrison & Dan Withrow to the podium to exchange their red badges for blue ones! Cory Garrison served & sargeant today. He hails from Oklahoma, but spent most of his school years in West Des Moines, followed by graduation from Drake. His wife, Amy, is an elementary school teacher & they are proud parents of 3 young children. Cory worked in Chicago for GE Capital before joining Hamilton Executive Search Firm in Des Moines. Cory brought us some surprising statistics from his industry, including the fact that up to 80% of resume's have inaccurate information & up to 20% have fraudulent degrees. Greg Kenyon introduced our guest speaker, Dr Rachael Cauldfield, a professor of political science at Drake. She was formerly with the Brookings Institute & is currently serving as research & program consultant to the American Judicature Society. Dr Cauldfield's purpose is to help inform voters understand how the merit selection of judges works and to relate its history. Merit selection of judges started in Iowa in 1962 with a committee who evaluates the applications and submits three names to the governor and he then selects a judge from this group. Every six years the judges are on the ballot for the public to vote on their retention. Iowa is fifth in the nation for being one of the most exemplary systems & for public accountability. The retention vote is not intended to retry the cases, as the juducial purpose is to decide cases based on the laws. The Chamber of Commerce supports merit selection of judges, as it is more ethical, is less controled by large donors to a campaign, & tends to have judges who are more effective. Other ways that a judge may be removed from office include impeachment by the House of Representatives or a recommendtion by the Superior Court. After Dr Cauldfield's information, Greg Kenyon spoke on behalf of the judges currently on the ballot. As an experienced attorney in Des Moines, Greg pointed out that these judges are well-qualified for their positions and are exercising their duties on difficult & controversial cases and should be retained as judges.